Natural calamity means natural disaster which is caused by nature. Every year Bangladesh
has affected by floods, cyclones, earthquake and drought. Recently,
Tsunami also little bit has affected our country. The effects of natural
the calamities beggar description. Floods hits our country during the
rainy season when the re is excessive rainfall. Cyclone and drought
occur in summer when the weather is extremely hot and dry. And
earthquakes also occasionally occur in our country. They cause heavy
damage to our life and properties. Houses are destroyed, cattle are
washed away, crops are greatly damaged and trees are uprooted. Thousands
of people and other animals remain without food for many days. There
are some reasons which cause these natural disasters. The burning down
of forest and other environmental pollution create an imbalance
ultimately leads to this types of natural disasters. To prevent these
calamities we should plant trees and stop all types of environmental
pollution. We should build embankments and safety centuries in the
coastal areas. The governments and as well as conscious citizens of our
country should come forward to prevent natural calamities. My new site Please Visit This Site